Saturday, September 19, 2009

today karen goes home

as usual it seems to be hurry up and wait. we are soooo ready to get home, but we have to wait on the nurses to finish their paperwork, the therapists to finish their paperwork, and the doctor to get here and sign off on it all. i think we all know that sometimes doctors move at their own speed no matter how badly we want to go. so it is about 11AM our time and it looks as if 12:30 to 1:30 is when we will be able to leave.

the booster club president at my school has offered and we have accepted for him to provide a limo he owns to pick karen up. she will be going home in style. pictures will follow.

please continue to pray for the cancer treatment to be a success and for karen to be with us for 40+ years to come.


Bobbie / Kenny said...

hey girl, way to go! YOU ROCK so now you can go home and really get some much needed rest - don't worry about anyone or anything else but yourself, this is karen's time for karen.

Love You
Bobbie & Kenny

P.S. Doug make her behave herself

Bobbie / Kenny said...

i put my prayer warriors on this site so you are being prayed for by them as well as bobbie & kenny.
keep up the good work - and Doug i love your updates - keep them comming.

Love You
Bobbie & Kenny