Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Karen's Address

Hi everyone. It's Wednesday night and I'm filling in for Doug tonight. This was his first day back at work and and he was just getting in the car leaving practice as of 9:30 EST. He has of course been to the rehab to see Karen today during down time, but we all know that the bills must be paid unfortunately. I talked to Karen and she told me that of course everything was going great. She said she walked up and down the hall which totals about 120' and all other therapies went good. Then, I called Doug to get his opinion which I knew would be more objective. He is good with the way things are going, but admits that he is too impatient which is understandable. The therapist told them it could take 8 to 10 wks. for all movement or limited movement to come back. Apparently, there hasn't been much improvement as far as any more tingling or sensations in her muscles in a couple of days, but that doesn't mean there won't be in the future. The bigger muscles will come back first and the fingers and toes will be last and this appears to be happening with Karen. She can move her hip and is beginning to push with her shoulder. When I said she was walking, I meant with a walker that is off to her side somehow. It is different than a standard walker if I understand Karen's description right. They keep her busy most of the day and she is very tired at the end of the day. Doug seems to think it might take two to three weeks before they let her go home. After that he figures they will want to do some in house thing where they come to their house for therapy. Either way, it seems they have a ways to go not even considering the treatment she will undergo later. She will meet with her doctor Tuesday. I'm not sure about the time. It's really awesome to see the comments here and facebook and the phone calls to Karen are really appreciated and I know Karen enjoys that. Please keep them coming in because it really keeps everyones spirits high and it does give off a sense of empowerment knowing everyone is praying and pulling together for Karen's recovery.

On that note, I talked with Doug and asked him if it would be appropriate to post their address for anyone that wanted to send Karen or Doug or the kids for that matter a little note of encouragement. So if you're one of those people here it is:

Doug, Karen, Kyler, or Jenna Means
108 Cole Walk
McDonough, GA 30253

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