Monday, September 14, 2009

the night before

tomorrow morning we go to emory to talk to the neuro-oncologist about karens future cancer treatment. i am very nervous and anxious at the same time. we have not talked about how karen is feeling but she seems to be OK right now so i am not really bringing anything up because i want her to have a good night sleep. i really don't think i will sleep well but its not about me right now. i will update tomorrow night what we learn.

please pray for great treatment options and a long future for karen with us all.


Unknown said...

I wish you two the best with Karen's appt today. Prays and hugs sent to you both. Sammi

Unknown said...

I hope for the best - quick and clear treatments to get her strong again and long time for you two together in life. Prayers and thinking of you all day! Debbie

Unknown said...

Doug, you and your family are constantly in our thoughts and prayers.