Thursday, August 27, 2009

continuing to improve

9:30 am karen and i are having a nice little talk about the other people she is worried about...she is just that way not really even thinking about herself but friends that need her prayers and great attitude. she looks sooo much better even this morning. just a little more feeling on the left and the swelling on her heads right side is down so she can open her eye and see with both eyes.

they have not moved her into a regular room yet, and as far as we can tell it is because there just are not any empty rooms. they are saying she will get a room as soon as they can find her one. But they are also saying that she may go home friday or saturday.

if you have any questions call or post here.


Coral said...

Hi Doug, I cannot tell you how much your updates have meant, I know it takes time for you to do them but they are really appeciated! Please give Miss Karen a big hug and kiss from me and let her know that I am following your posts...all my love and prayers to you both! xoxox

Unknown said...

Thank you Doug for the Updates on the blog and facebook. I'm so happy she is improving each day !!!! Love to all of you - please give her a hug for me.