Saturday, November 28, 2009

continued blessings

you always find out what is really deep down in peoples hearts during times like this. we all know some people who offer to help but then don't come through when the time comes. with us though, we have found that the people we know that have offered have come through. baby sitting, house sitting, car pooling, and anything we have needed someone has offered and made good. for this duke trip we have had many offer to help in many ways from places to stay to travel vouchers and even discount for hotels. I cannot name all the people who have actually done something for us because the list would be too long, and i would forget someone and their feels would get hurt. let me just say a great big thanks to all of you and hope that i can repay you some how in the future. even in the cases where we either have not used the offer yet, or could not work out the details to get something done, thank you for even just thinking about us when you have some much in your lives. we say special prayers for you all, please keep praying for us.

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